
Email API Endpoints

This section of the documentation covers all the operations you can perform on an "Email" object within our email warmup tool. Each operation allows you to manage and control the lifecycle and settings of email accounts in the warmup pool.


  • GET /emails/{emailId}
    Retrieves detailed information about a specific email account.

  • POST /emails
    Adds a new email account to the warmup pool, including initial settings.

  • PATCH /emails/{emailId}
    Updates the settings of an email.

  • DELETE /emails/{emailId}
    Deletes an email account from the warmup pool using its unique ID.


The Email endpoints provide comprehensive management capabilities for email accounts used in the warmup process. They ensure that you can add, remove, and modify email accounts as needed to optimize your email delivery success rates. Use these endpoints to tailor the behavior of each email according to your specific needs and preferences.


To use these endpoints, ensure that you have valid credentials which will be required for authentication. Each endpoint may require specific parameters and data formats as detailed in their respective documentation pages.